Happy New Year in Chinese – 新年快乐   “Xīnnián hǎo”

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Happy New Year in Chinese-Most of the countries in the world celebrate the new year on the first of January. It represents a fresh start. Traditionally on this day, friends and families get together for a religious feast and to exchange greetings for a happy and prosperous new year. From the early 1990s, people started celebrating this occasion at midnight of 31st December which is known as New Year’s Eve. Most countries also see fireworks at midnight to symbolise the arrival of the new year.


Friends and families get together for the feast and exchange gifts and wish with each other. However, there are some countries that do not celebrate the new year on the 1st of January, like China.

How to Say Happy New Year in Chinese

How to Say Happy New Year in Chinese-(Happy New Year in Chinese-新年快乐)The Chinese celebrate their new year on the 16th of January. Happy New Year in Chinese is Xīnnián kuàilè. Chinese New Year is probably the most widely celebrated holiday in the world. Families and friends spend time together over a special meal. The vibrant celebrations of this day take place from Sydney to San Francisco. With people around the globe observing the Lunar New Year, one finds major fireworks, parades, and festivities in nearly every major city to celebrate this festival.

The new year is celebrated for 15 consecutive days and ends with the Lantern Festival. Preparations start weeks in advance to ensure the year is filled with luck and prosperity.

People usually wear a red colour that day because of its symbolic meaning. Even money given to children on new year eve is given in red envelopes. The Chinese New Year traditions aim to usher good luck and prosperity in the new year. This is the time when the Chinese honour their deities and ancestors. It is considered a major holiday. A day before New Year’s Day Chinese families gets together for their annual reunion dinner. Houses are thoroughly cleaned and well decorated in red theme.

Even though the celebrations take place on a different date and the traditions differ as well, the value of this date is the same for everyone. It means the same to all. A new beginning, a fresh start and an excuse to get together with friends and family.